1 October 2014

Aaren's Mummy

Aaren, my Silly Billy Boy,

As you have just turned 2 and as I approach the youthful age of 24 *ahem* in the next few days, I wanted to share something with you.

I have had a few names in my life. When I was born, I was 'Nishel Priya', until I married your daddy and then I became 'Nishel Priya Turpin'. I made sure to add the 'Priya' in between, so that I, and those around me, would never forget the beginnings of where I came from. I remember getting married to your daddy and making sure I changed my surname the very second I was married. I was so excited to change my surname. To tell the world that I belonged with another family. It all seems so trivial now. This is because the most incredible thing happened the other day. As I dropped you off to pre-school, I heard the other children shout out 'Aaren's Mummy'. Well, that was a first. And now, when children walk by me with their parents, they point at me and say 'that's Aaren's mummy'. I can't even begin to describe what it feels like to be called 'Aaren's Mummy'. It makes me feel like a pop star (Beyonce no less). A celebrity. I beam from within and feel invincible, like I could do anything. Just by being your mummy.

You with your charming personality and cheeky smile are as popular as ever and I guess it should come as no surprise that everyone knows who you are. But the fact that they all know me as 'Aaren's Mummy' warms the very depths of my soul.

Many mothers say they yearn for their own identity after they have children. Maybe one day that will happen to me (although I seriously doubt it).

Out of the names I have had, the one 'given' by you is by far my favourite (no offence to your grandparents or daddy).

Even when you are 102 and I am sitting there, looking at you amongst the stars in the sky, you will always be my Silly Billy Boy and I will forever be Aaren's Mummy.

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